Inorganic Chemistry

What is Inorganic Chemistry?


Principles of Inorganic Chemistry II, MIT, Fall 2008

Principles of Inorganic Chemistry III, MIT, Spring 2005

Organometallic Chemistry, MIT, Fall 2004

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, University of Rhode Island

Coordination Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry Course with resources, problems, solutions, sample exams.

Specific Topics and Links

Jahn Teller Theorem

Crystal Field Theory Lecture at MIT, Fall 2008

Open Directory Project

Crystallography Database

Ionic Radii at Washington State University

Symmetry Resources at Otterbein University

Guide Through the Nanocarbon Jungle: Buckyballs, nanotubes, graphene and beyond webook by David Tománek (subscription required).

Recommended Textbooks

Miessler, Gary L., Paul J. Fischer, Donald A. Tarr. Inorganic Chemistry. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall. 2013. ISBN: 0321811054, 9780321811059

Crabtree, Robert H. The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, 6th Edition. Wiley. 2014. ISBN: 1118138074.

Vincent, Alan. Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory. 2nd Edition. Wiley. 2001. ISBN: 1118723384, 9781118723388.

Atkins, Peter. Shriver and Atkins' inorganic chemistry. Oxford University Press, USA, 2010. ISBN: 0716770539, 9780716770534.

Hoffman, Roald. Solids and surfaces: a chemist's view of bonding in extended structures. VCH, 1988. ISBN: 0471187100, 9780471187103.
The above reference is most excellent for those chemists without formal training in solid state chemistry! The same material is also present in:
Hoffmann, R. (1988). A chemical and theoretical way to look at bonding on surfaces. Reviews of Modern Physics, 60(3), 601.
Hoffmann, R. (1987). How chemistry and physics meet in the solid state. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 26(9), 846-878.

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